Brondesbury Park

Brondesbury Park Station Energy Garden is a large trackside garden with fruits and vegetables, ornamental plants and a couple of bee hives located in the Queens Park neighbourhood. The garden was established in 2016 and has been expanding ever since to reach its current size of 627m2. This includes gardens next to both platforms and a large garden space behind the fence on platform 2.

Visiting the garden, you will find that large portions of formerly neglected, bramble-covered land has been cleared and turned into growing space; fruit trees have been planted, vegetables are growing, perennial herbs and ornamental plants have been put in, and hops are climbing on trellises on the platforms. There is a composting system in place and water is being captured from the station roof and is stored in water butts until it is used to water the garden. At the back of the garden you will find bee hives that are tended by the community: if you are interested, you can get involved with that project as well. The garden was designed by the residents as a space to grow food, add beauty to the station and provide improved habitat for wildlife.

When attending a volunteer session you can expect to meet other volunteers who are members of your local community and work alongside them to do regular garden maintenance tasks such as weeding, watering, pruning or planting. You might also harvest fruits or vegetables to take home, and seed vegetables for the next crop. Throughout the year, we run educational sessions on topics like seed saving, propagating, compost management and biodiversity surveying which are open to you. Don’t let a lack of gardening experience hold you back, as our aim is to have a garden where all skill levels are welcome and learning is encouraged.

The group is comprised of 50 local residents. We meet Tuesdays 16:30-18:00 and Fridays 12:30-14:30. Sign up via the Join a Garden Group link on the home page or email to get involved.

Brondesbury Park Station Garden at a glance:

Size: 627m2 trackside space, including gardens next to both platforms and large garden space behind the fence on platform 2.

Built elements: Solar powered water butts, compost bins, benches, table, raised beds, stairs

Horticultural description: At this garden we are currently playing with planting more perennial edible crops, such as berries, asparagus, rhubarb and herbs. We also plant successive annual vegetable crops throughout the year and tend to an ornamental garden.

Edibles: Greens, Tomatoes, Corn, Squash, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Peas and Beans, Garlic, Herbs, Apples, Plums, Blackberries and Hops

Get involved: Sessions are Tuesday 16:30-18:00 & Friday 12:30-14:30

Engagement officer: Juan Pablo Lobo-Guerrero Villegas

Contact: to get involved!

Volunteer at Brondesbury Park Station Garden


Acton Central


Bush Hill Park