Acton Central

Acton Central is home to a verdant green garden that spans the length of both of the stations platforms. This is a planter garden with over 50 different planter boxes which are tended to by the station staff, and local volunteers with the support of Energy Garden.

We have been involved at this station since 2017, and have been making additions to the space year on year, focusing on planting bright and colourful plants such as sunflowers and nasturtiums in an effort to create a vibrant platform that enriches commuters journeys and prompts people to stop, look around, and appreciate their surroundings.

We are always on the lookout for new volunteers to help us tend to the garden, we are always in need of an extra pair of hands to help us with watering, weeding and to advise on how we can improve our impact at the station. The group is comprised of local residents and staff members. We meet most Wednesdays from 15:00-18:00, feel free to drop by and join in. Email to get involved.

Acton Central at a glance:

Size: over 50 planters

Built elements: wooden planters installed by Energy Garden, pallet planters made from reclaimed wood, plastic tub planters

Horticultural description: This garden is focused on maximizing growing potential in the many planters on the platforms; this means focusing on soil health and doubling down on watering in the hotter months. There is a luscious mixture of edibles and ornamentals in the garden.

Edibles: apples, figs, nasturtiums, broccoli, red cabbage

Get involved: sessions most Wednesdays 15:00-18:00, organised via WhatsApp.

Engagement officer: Callum Clancy

Contact: to get involved

Volunteer at Acton Central Station Garden


Brondesbury Park