Finchley Central

Finchley Central is an inviting platform oasis for commuters to step into nature whilst waiting for their train. The garden was established in February 2019 and covers 60m2 of trackside space. It consists of 4 main raised beds surrounded by an in-ground garden and has been going strong year-on-year since with fruits and vegetables, accompanying the burst of colour displayed by seasonal bulbs.

The garden showcases biodiversity-focused installations such as our beautiful ceramic bird bath and our vertical planter bee hotel. As a group, we emphasise the importance of repurposing materials with most of the garden’s beds and installations being made from leftover rail sleepers and wooden pallets.

The Finchley Central garden has evolved yearly with the changing interests of residents and has been kept fruitful and beautiful due to the efforts of the wonderful volunteer group, Becky Lyon’s art installation, Eco Show and Tell Barnet, and the ever-helpful Barnet community who donate their time and plants to the garden.

We meet most Tuesdays at 10 am, with additional ad-hoc sessions. Email to get involved.

Finchley Central at a glance:

Size: 60m2

Built elements: wooden arch, 2 pallet composters, wooden bench, bee hotel

Horticultural description: This garden is a great place to see edible crops being grown amongst a beautiful display of ornamental plants. The group harvests from the garden throughout the growing season and is often experimenting with new varieties and growing techniques.

Edibles: various squash, hops, multicoloured chard, kale,

Get involved: sessions Tuesdays 10am-12pm, organised via WhatsApp.

Engagement officer: Anna Crispino

Contact: to get involved!

Volunteer at Finchley Central Station Garden


Ebury Edge Pimlico


Forest Hill